Friday, September 18, 2015

Excited is an understatement...

To say Rylee Kate was excited to finally be starting guitar lessons is an understatement. She woke up smiling from ear to ear and so thrilled that she was beginning a dream she has had for a long time. God has blessed her with an beautiful voice and she is wanting to learn to play some praise songs to sing at church. I think Jeremy may be more excited about this first than her!


She conquered

I have no picture to prove because I videoed it but on September 9th Rylee Kate mastered something she has been working on for a while. She is officially a flipper! She can do a back handspring with NO help! We are so proud of her determination and never giving up!

Labor Day Weekend

We celebrated Labor Day with our family.  On Sunday we all spent the day swimming and eating some yummy New Orleans style food. On Monday we spent it on the water. We ate, tubed, Rode the jet ski and had a fun day with enjoying each others company.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 1st... A Day to Remember

      Wow! I cannot believe it has been 14 years since I said, "I Do."  I remember people saying that after I graduated high school and headed for college that we would never make it. Well we beat the odds and are still together 28 years later. I am so thankful for the Godly leader Jeremy is at work and at home. I sure was blessed when he gave me him!