Friday, February 16, 2024

Prom Dress Shopping

 I'll post just a few pics I (Jodie) took while in Nashville prom dress shopping. I'll save the pictures of the one she chose til later.

Happy #17 to my girl.... snowed in style

  We were snowed in and she was recovering from surgery but we celebrated the best we could. 


Not sure this is quite the way we planned to spend your 17th birthday, but we made the best of it... No school, no ball, 8 inches of snow, stuck in the house, and a week post op shoulder surgery.  No matter the circumstances, you continue to move forward. You are one of the best gifts God has ever given me. You are everything I wanted in a daughter and more.  You are not only my daughter, but my VERY best friend. This last year I have seen you go through several disappointments and hard times, but seeing how you have handled each one makes me so proud. I pray in the next year you will continue to be dedicated to basketball and your team, keep your values set high and continue to be loyal to those who love you. The BEST is yet to come, my girl!

Love, Mom


 We had like 7 1/2 inches of snow this year and it was beautiful. The only bad part was, Rylee couldn't do much because of her surgery and we were stuck in the house for over a week!!!! We ate a lot, played lots of games, and enjoyed the snow when we could. 

Ry + Surgery= no basketball

 Ry fought through some pain all of basketball season until she finally had to give in and have surgery to repair her torn labrum. She did great through surgery (until after she woke up) and so far has had a great recovery. She was definitely shown lots of love and attention.