Saturday, May 23, 2020

13 & 15 Year check- ups

  The kids had their yearly check- ups yesterday.  Dr. Rob was happy because they had a healthy year and it had been a whole year since he had seen them.  Rylee Kate grew 1 1/2 inches and gained 9 pounds and Tucker grew 3 inches and gained 21lbs. So thankful and blessed for 2 healthy and happy kids!

We have an "almost" driver"

Tucker turned 15 a few weeks ago, but with the COVID-19 he couldn't go get his permit until this past week.  He got it! In the first day he drove on the interstate (twice), drove across the bridge, in the rain, and a dog ran out in front of him. Whew!

Just another day.... fishing

Tucker and Kai enjoyed a day out on the river fishing.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day 2020

  We spent the day with our Moms- just enjoying our time together. We are both so blessed with GREAT moms!

#15 Quarantine Style

Tucker turned 15 this past week. We celebrated with lunch and the boys and then with grandparents that night. We couldn't celebrate much more than that due to the COVID- 19. Tucker hasn't been able to get his permit yet either, but hopefully soon they will open back up.

Wow! I can’t believe my little ball loving, sword fighting, tree climbing, character changing, arctic cat riding little boy is growing into this fine young man. You are smart (when you apply yourself, selfless, caring young man. You make me very proud to be your Mom. I can’t believe you are 15 and you will soon get your permit and start chauffeuring us around. You have had a great year! You played your first year of football and was the starting quarterback, your basketball team was really successful this year and you shot the lights out of it, and finally you started off your middle school baseball season with two home runs when your season quickly came to a halt due to the CoronaVirus.
Time sure has flown by and I really wish it would slow down, but it seems to just be going by faster. So these next few years I hope you give it your all in everything, be kind, treat others the way you want to be treated, and choose to do the right thing even if it’s not the cool thing. 
Tucker, I love you so much and we will celebrate you soon!


Still Quarantined

    We are still quarantined for the most part with little interaction with friends and family, but we have snuck in a little.  We have enjoyed throwing softball, more fire pit nights, evening rides, Unsolved Cold Cases, fishing, and strawberry picking.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quarantine Continues...

Well The Quarantine Saga continues... We have ventured out to the pool a couple times, practiced driving, had more fires, tele doc visits, and lots of fights!