Monday, March 23, 2015

Rain Out Classic

      We enjoyed a partial baseball weekend in Knoxville again this weekend. We got rained out on Saturday but played in a one day, single elimination tournament on Sunday. Tucker was the starting pitcher and had a very successful day on the mound. He also contributed some very good hits, including a double. The Bats finished 2-1 and finished the tournament in 2nd place.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Baseball Player? Artist?

     Yesterday afternoon during the end of the day announcements, Tucker's name was announced for winning 1st place in the County Art Contest. We were very proud of him, but never really knew he had this in him. HA! He has never shown interest in anything other than ball!!! Although he will miss the fine arts showcase (due to baseball) we are still excited for his accomplishment!

Cool Kids

Another trip to the Dr.

     We had a follow up with Rylee's GI doctor from our hospital stay several weeks ago. He did confirm lactose intolerant but was also concerned about the biopsy results and sent us to the hospital for more blood work. This time he was testing for food allergies, Celiac and Chrons.  Rylee and I headed over to the lab and finally after they took 13 viles of blood we were finally on our way. She was such a brave little girl and I have pictures to prove it!We finally received the results and everything was negative and we will follow up with the Dr. in a few more weeks. Praise God!

Bedroom Makeover on a Budget

     We are still trying to finish up the decorating at the house. Yes! We have been in our new house for 2 years and it is still not completely decorated the way I want, but this is one step closer. We decided to do Tucker's room first since it was at little to no cost to complete. We added all his past baseball hats and had a picture made into a poster and hung it over his bed. It looks pretty good if I do say so myself!

Spring Break = Rainy Week

     Well Spring Break was a rather boring time around our house. We spent a lot of time cleaning and just hanging out. The weather was rather yucky and so we had to make the best of it....
A sleepover with Will
Metal Detecting

Monday, March 9, 2015

One day he may kill us for this one...

      Tucker and Rylee were laying in bed playing a game and someone fell asleep with a mask on and his Daddy found him like this this morning!

Opening Day of 2015 Baseball Season

     It is finally baseball season and Tucker couldn't be happier! He has worked extremely hard this off season and we are expecting BIG things from him this season!  He is a part of a new team (The Bats) playing under head coach Nate Hall. They played their first tournament this past weekend and finished 2-2 and was Runner- Up in the Diamond Stars and Stripes Tournament in Powell. He pitched very well and had some great hits!