Monday, August 11, 2008

Beth Moore Bible Study

My mom is teaching a Beth Moore Bible Study at our church. Tonight was our first meeting and it was GREAT! Mom promises it gets better but I cannot imagine that. As most of you know I attend a rather small Baptist church, but I was so happy to have 15 women at our Bible study. I just pray that everyone will continue to come and receive a blessing each week. It was so funny b/c during the video session Beth was talking about how she was happy we were all doing this study and that she can only imagine how busy we are. She said, some people are moms of toddlers, some may in graduate school, some may be teachers. I looked and around and thought to myself I am all three of those. She named more but of course the three that represented me stood out in my mind. Please pray that God will allow things to slow down at my house for the next 10 weeks so I can successfully complete this Bible Study. I will keep you updated on our classes.

1 comment:

Jason, Betsy, Jackson said...

I hope that you are able to enjoy this study - I missed the last one at our church! Give me a call sometime or I will stop by school and see you!