Sunday, March 1, 2015

Not how we expected to spend our weekend at all...

    Rylee Kate celebrated her 8th birthday with her friends and family Saturday, February 7th. Most of the family left around 7:30 and the kids jumped in the shower and headed to Doo's and Gramps for their weekly sleepover. At about 10:45 we hear a car in the driveway and the doorbell rings and it was Gramps telling us Rylee Kate was throwing up(4th episode in 2 months). We grabbed her some clean pajamas and headed over to get her. We brought her home and made her place to rest on the couch. She continued throwing up and even with meds we couldn't get it to stop. So Jeremy and I decided after the 7th time to take her to Children's. Little did we know it would be a 4 1/2 hour wait until we got to see the doctor. Finally, about 4:30AM we got called to the back (by this time she had thrown up an addition 6-8 times) and discussed our concerns with the doctor.  His plan was to hydrate her, take blood, and do an x-ray of her tummy. This was her first IV, first time given blood, and only 2nd x-ray. She was so brave and sick!  All the test came back normal and the doctor was getting off work but told us they would continue to monitor and we would probably be going home in the next few hours. So her new doctor stopped by, introduced himself and shared his game plan of hydrating her and possibly trying her on liquids before we left. Did I mention they had tried giving her oral Zofran two times and finally administered some through her IV and it had seemed to help.  By 8AM Rylee had kept down some Powerade and seemed to be feeling and looking much better so the nurse and doctor came and in and decided to discharge her so we sign the papers, they send Jeremy to get the car, take her IV out, and BAM!!! She starts throwing up again and the plans of going home were suddenly changed. Jeremy parked the car, came back in and we shredded the discharge papers. Around 10:30AM we were admitted to Room 333 in Children's Hospital. Going on 24+ hours with no sleep, we were exhausted. We tried to lay down and rest but with the phone calls, text, nurses and doctors it was impossible. Around 9PM (36 hours with no sleep) the doctor enters our dark hospital room to check on Rylee and tell us she wants us to rest tonight and we will spend the following day (Monday) trying to figure out what's going on with her. Monday morning came around and the first doctor that came in was her doctor (Matt Griner)from the ER. He said, "I heard they admitted you and I wanted to come see how pretty you were when you weren't sick." He then looked at us an told us he wants her check for a twisted bowel/ intestine. He was afraid with the color of vomit and it being her 4th episode that it could possibly be that. He told us he was going straight out to the GI doctor to express his concern. Within in a few minutes the GI resident doctor stopped by, examined her and told us what concerns Dr. Griner had and thought that may need to be check out but that the GI doctor would be by shortly to discuss our plans. Well, it wasn't long before the GI doctor came by and examined her and decided he wanted to do two test on her and he would agree to the recommendation of Dr. Griner and do the 3rd test as well. Early that afternoon Rylee was taken down to drink some stuff and do an upper GI on her (Dr.Griner showed up to watch the upper gi and see the results). She did GREAT! They bragged on how well she drank that yummy stuff and followed all their directions. We were so proud of how well she was handling all of this. This test finished and Dr. Griner stuck his head around the corner and said we wouldn't need him to be doing any surgery so that meant everything was ok. Later that afternoon they took her down to do a CT Scan of her head. Once again she was so brave and they all bragged on her again. CT Scan was normal! She was scheduled for an upper GI scope Tuesday morning and would have to be sedated for this procedure.  Lo and behold Jeremy got sick late Monday night with a virus he had picked up at the hospital and had to go home. He was very upset that he had to leave her but even more upset knowing he wasn't going to be there when the sedated her and did another procedure.  After going 12+ hours with no food or drinks, Rylee was taken down for her final test ordered by her doctors. Once again she did awesome! The results of this particular test did show some irritation in her small bowel and he thinks it is from an infection of food allergy, but the biopsy results would take 2-14 days to get back. We were finally discharged at 5:01 Tuesday evening. We left exhausted to say the least!
    We cannot thank our nurses and doctors enough! They cared for Rylee as they would their own children. They all went above and beyond to make her our hospital stay as pleasant as could be.  They found out she wanted to be a nurse so they let her give herself meds through her IV, taught her how to use a stethoscope, and let her view x-rays.
     Rylee Kate was the bravest girl I have ever seen. She never cried, got scared, or even needed me or Jeremy to hold her hand. We were amazed and so were all the nurses and doctors.

                                                                  SHE'S HOME!!!!

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