Sunday, August 14, 2011

Am I dreaming?

As I settle down for the night I can't help but think that this can't be real. I must be dreaming. I am not packing 2 lunches for school and I for sure didn't just lay out clothes for both my kiddos. Well, I sadly just did both of those things. Not only will I be waking up Tucker in the morning for school, but Rylee will start pre-k tomorrow. YES, tomorrow... Where has the time gone? She was just born and now she is starting a new chapter of her life. Selfishly I want to keep her small, but know I must suck it up and go on. So in the morning at 8AM I will have just dropped her off in her classroom and will be walking the hall back to my classroom while fighting back tears. Please say a prayer for me:(

1 comment:

Jason, Betsy, Jackson said...

I will be praying ~ I had a very hard time with Jackson turning 4 and starting Pre-K! I will be a basket case next year for sure!