Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Rylee Kate!

Birthday Morning- It was a dark and rainy morning, but we had to take a picture by the Happy Birthday balloon.

Rylee Kate,
Wow! You are five years old. Where in the world has time gone? I remember like it was yesterday bringing you home from the hospital and how happy I was that our family was all back together. Oh how I remember your first steps, your first words, first doctors visit, and all your other firsts. Now as I look back over the past year I remember all your "new" firsts that I got to experience right along with you. I will always remember your first broken bone (arm), your first baseball game, your first basketball game, how well you did in gymnastics and got to move up to an older class, and last but not least your very first day of pre-k. I cherish every day, every hour, and every minute I spend with you because you are growing up so quickly. I love you so much, Rylee Kate and hope you have a wonderful gymnastics birthday party, but more importantly a BLESSED upcoming year as a big 5 year old.


Dear Rylee Kate,
I can't believe how fast time goes by. It seems like only yesterday that we were waiting for you to arrive in this world. Now you are five years old and going on twenty! I want you to know that I thank God everyday that He gave you to me to enjoy. I love your personality and how you are so strong headed. I know that God has special plans for you and I can't wait to see what it is. My prayer for you is that you will accept God as your personal Lord and Savior and that you will become a strong Christian young lady. I hope that you have a great birthday party and I want you to always remember: "Someday you may find your prince charming, but I will always be your prince".

I love you,Daddy

1 comment:

SSherrill29 said...

AW!!! I'm sorry we missed Rylee's birthday! She is so beautiful, well mannered, and sweet! You're doing a great job as their mommy!!