Thursday, December 27, 2012

Santa Came!!!

Well Santa came and went, but not without leaving full stockings and loads of toys! The kids had a wonderful Christmas and got almost everything they wanted except for the exception of a $130 Power Ranger toy that Tucker really needed, however, Santa knew that it would never be played with so he overlooked it. Mean Santa!!! Rylee received a voice activated journal, Barbie and her horse, Twilight Movies,, Cinderella, a moped for her American Girl (that Grammie got her), Butterscotch, and much more. Tucker's favorite gift was his J.T. Splatmaster paintball gun and target. He also got 2 hunting sets, camo walkie talkies, TN hoodie, camo boots, and much more. We often take for granted buying Christmas for our kids, but I feel truly blessed and honored to be able to give the kids most anything they want.

1 comment:

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Merry Christmas Emily! I am glad you all had such a wonderful Christmas celebration! Happy New year too!