Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Fun!!!

Once again we headed to Townsend for a long weekend camping trip. We had a fun time and of course made many more memories together. We enjoyed some special visitors Sunday afternoon, The Richesin's. I don't think Brooke will ever forget her visit from SCREAM!

The girls tubing and swimming in the river.

Thanks Craig, I owe you BIG time. You saved me from getting wet and cold!!!

This is the starting line of camper trivia. Nikki and Jeremy won first place.
Megan and dad were in second place, but we considered dad a "handicap."

We had a new camper with us this time. My Nanny Russell joined us for the long weekend. She was a BLAST!! I have always loved to be around her. I will always remember all the laughs she brought to our camping trip.

Another Rook Game...

Nanny and Rylee Kate cooking their hot dog.

All "tuckered" out!!!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

You are right I will never forget it I am just so glad you didn't get a picture of my after that.