Sunday, April 3, 2011

A childhood dream is filled at age 34

Gramps and Doo got the kids a zipline for Christmas. The weather was finally good enough the first weekend of Spring Break that they got it assembled and running! The kids and myself absolutely love it! The thing that gets me is I always wanted one of these as a child and all I got was a homemade that Jay and his friends made. The grand kids ask for one and look what they get.


{A*very} Blessed Life said...

It's never too late to be a kid again! I am glad you finally got your zip line Emily! Did you pull your arms out of socket! LOL! I think I probably would have. I tried doing the monkey bars recently and I was so sore the next day. I guess I am not as limber as I was as a kid. Fun times for y'all!

Amanda said...

I know the feeling. All I ever wanted as a kid was a horse. I couldn't understand why I couldn't have one in our neighborhood. Now my kids each have one and the grandparents are looking for a pony:)
I am enjoying the horses now as well.