Thursday, June 20, 2013

Camping Fun 2013

     This camping trip has been full of many milestones and memories. Tucker, Rylee, and Gramps have made it a morning routine of taking bike rides on the bike trail. They both are riding about 3 miles round trip each day. Tucker always goes fishing but never seems to catch anything up here in the mountains, however, this time he brought his first rainbow trout back to camp. Jay and Dad gutted it and Mom cooked it for dinner.  Each year the kids enjoy tubing more and more. This camping trip the water has been very high but we have all enjoyed tubing (kids even got enough nerve to go a mile or two upstream from campground.)  Our family was on Live at Five at Four on WBIR Wednesday. They were doing a special on the rain and high the river was and they videoed us Tucker, Gramps, and Jayse fishing.  We have heard from Ms.Judy that bears have been spotted in the campground but they have mostly been seen during the least busy months, well ... Yes there was a bear spotted one night this week just a few camping spots over from us!!! We were fast asleep and didn't capture it in person, but the owners did think it was a good idea to post a "Be Aware of Bear Sign" on the campground store door. We visited Cades Cove one evening and must say it was probably the best trip around the loop we have ever taken. We drove the jeep around with top and doors off and seen a lot of wildlife. Of course I must admit Tucker has a hunters eye. He spotted everything, a coyote, tons of deer, 2 different momma bears with 2 cubs a piece. It was great!!! So many memories were made this week and I hope they are ones that my children will cherish forever. Until our return... Happy Camping!

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