Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First trip to Tic Tocs- 2009

Before Tic Tocs Ice Cream Parlor

At Tic Tocs

After Tic Tocs

We took the kids to Tic Tocs last week for ice cream. Well, actually Bobby and Wendy treated us. Yes, they went dressed as Rylee would say, "a knight and a princess." I tried to tell her it was Raggedy Ann but to her she was a princess. We stopped to visit with Nana and Papaw for a few minutes on the way home and Nana tried the "princess" wig on. Thanks Bobby and Wendy!


{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Oh, I miss Tic Toc's. I'm glad you posted that. I hope Tucker has a great birthday on Wednesday. We'll be celebrating with you as it is Howie's birthday too. You should get your beach towels today. I mailed the yesterday.

Brooke said...

Tucker and Rylee look so missy.