Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A talk about Jesus...

It all began while I was rocking Tucker (unusual request) and Rylee decided she wanted rocked also. So I had both of them laying on my lap and we were all singing Amazing Grace together. This then led to the discussion about Jesus. Tucker went on to tell me that, "Jesus died on the cross for our sins and so we would not have to, so we can stay here and play. He also told me and Rylee that Jesus was then put in a tomb and on the third day rose again." I explained that he went to heaven and that is where he is now and one day he will be coming back after us. Tucker finally decided he was a little crowded on my lap and went over to sit with his dad. I told him that one day he would be old enough to ask Jesus into his heart. He said, "I didn't know that Jesus could cut your stomach open, come inside, and then stitch it back up."

First, of all it is so amazing how much he has already learned from attending Sunday School and Children's Church. He is also blessed to have my mom keep him and share Bible Stories with him on a daily basis.
Secondly, you can never imagine what kids are thinking. They have such an imagination.

Tucker also shared with Rylee this afternoon that , "the dog Bub at Grammie's house died and went to heaven and now he is with Jake (his puppy that my dad got him and Tucker found dead last summer) and Rylee they are friends and they are even friends with (he looked at me and said who is Doc's woman) I answered and said, "Nannie John" and he continued telling Rylee that the 2 dogs and Nannie John are all friends in heaven together. "


{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Emily, That is so sweet and wonderful that Tucker already knows Jesus and has such a strong faith! I am also amazed at how much Emma-Caroline kmows about Jesus and how much faith she has at an early age. It is no wonder Jesus said "Let the little children come to me. . ." Thanks for sharing such a sweet story, especially at this time of Easter.

nikki said...

That is so cute and that is very very important movement you should tell him that when he is older.