Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Was Satan trying to overshadow Tucker's decision?

Was Satan trying to overshadow Tucker's decision? That is the question that God answered to me on the way to the beach.
Jeremy left for a training in Nashville on Sunday the opening night of VBS. He had planned to return late Thursday evening. The kids and I talked to him Sunday and Monday, but on Monday night after VBS I called Jeremy to tell him something we knew was coming very soon. Tucker was ready to ask Jesus into his heart. Jeremy talked to him on the phone asking many questions, making sure he was ready before he crawled up on my lap and repeated the prayer after his Daddy (on the other end of the phone). I can tell you as a Mom that was one of the most if not the MOST precious thing I have ever done. Just like any child Tucker wanted to tell everyone about his decision. We called a lot of people that night, but he was still able to share his exciting news the following day also. On Thursday, we woke up to a normal day- but it was the day his Daddy would be home to hold and hug him for the first time since leading his son to Christ. Tuck was so excited! Well, Satan decided at about 1:00 that afternoon he would make his appearance and take away Tucker's excitement of his salvation. However, Tucker was still able to tell his nurses and doctors at Children's about his decision and they were so proud of him. Jeremy got home just shortly before we got home from the hospital and he did just what I thought he would - grab his Son and hug him for the decision he had made that week and talked to him about his arm. The night and 1st ortho visit passed and we were finally on our way to the beach with a red, waterproof cast. Every time I would look at him I would tear up.I just couldn't believe that Satan had tried to ruin our vacation and more importantly tried to take away Tucker's joy. UGH! I was so frustrated. Then I would think of Lucy ( a blog I read) and think you know what a broke are can be fixed, but some kids are going through so much more. I needed to suck it up , go on vacation and make the best of it! So I chose to do that. I guess we were on the other side of Chattanooga when the Lord spoke to me and said, "Do not let this broke arm overshadow the life changing decision Tucker made this week." That's it! Of course since we have been at the beach the red cast is the topic. He even told me yesterday that when he is swimming he hears everyone say "How is he swimming in that cast." I have had tons of people ask me how he can swim in it or if it is a waterproof cast and so on. Of course I answer, but often say yeah he broke his arm the day before we left but then I go on to tell them about him asking Jesus into his heart 2 days before that.
We will NOT let Satan win. We are having an awesome vacation even if Tucker has a broke arm!


Amanda said...

Tucker looks so happy in all of your pictures from the beach! You all have a wonderful attitude and it will definitely be a memorable vacation. Wonderful that it gives you an opening for witnessing and testifying to people as well.

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Emily that is so awesome!!! I am so happy that Tucker has made this choice to ask Jesus into his heart. What a blessing! It is also a blessing how you were armed in God's love to move past the bad presented to you. Only God can take the bad and turn it into good when we rely on Him. This has also blessed me because of a decision I have made to answer a call for me to go into childrens Christian ministry. I have been confronted with self doubt and the urge to run the opposite way. Its been so hard to just move past those hurdles. I prayed today as I came home from a christian ed. Retreat that God would help me. And right after that prayer I opened my blog and found your new blog post! How great is our God! Thank you for sharing this! It has blessed me richly!