Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dinner for 4

Here you go! On a warm Thursday afternoon I came home from school to find the table set and an excited little girl. She informed me that we were having a special dinner tonight, just the four of us. I was also told that she would pick out everyone's attire and dinner would be Pizza Hut. So as any Mom would do I ordered the pizza, got dressed(Rylee picked it all out), got the boys ready(Rylee picked their outfits out too), and left to get the pizza. As I was on my way home from Pizza Hut I received a call from my realtor that she wanted to show the house in 15 minutes. I immediately called Jeremy and told him to make a clean sweep and meet me outside. Needless to say I had one upset little girl. After, I explained to her we would come right back and continue after the house was shown, she settled down and agreed. It ended up being a wonderful night eating, talking, and dancing with my little boy.

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