Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mommy's Day

Well another Mother's Day has came and went. It was a rainy day so I didn't get any pictures, but we had a good day. We went to church, Bass Pro Shop with Grammie, and then to Doosie's to visit her. I enjoyed my day just being with people I love. I can honestly say this was the most memorable Mother's Day I have had in a while(see picture at bottom).
I have several MOMS in my life that I look up to and love with all my heart:

Nana Becky, I love you so much and I am so thankful for everything you do for me and my family. My kids are so fortunate to have another grandmother in their life.

Debbie, You gave me one of the most precious gifts ever, Jeremy. He is such an amazing Daddy and husband. You have always been more like a Mom to me than a mother in law and for that I am thankful.

Nannie Russell,
You are my shining star! I tell everyone about my Nannie and what she means to me. I know I don't get to spend as much time with you as I would like, but the time I do is definitely treasured time that I will never forget.

Nannie John,
You were one of the most amazing women I know. Even though you are no longer with me I still love you and long to be the Mom and grandmother you were.

Where do I start? You are the best Mom in the world and I truly mean that. I would not be where or who I am today if it weren't for you. I seen another post today and it summed it all up. "I am so thankful that I have a praying Mom." I love you bunches!!!
                                                     Two reasons I love being a Mommy
Yes! I woke up this morning and looked out the front door and seen this. The kids got me a rooster for Mother's Day. Of course they had some help from Preacher Bud. Needless to say "Ralph" went back home until we can build a cage for him, which I hope is no where in the near future. I told you it was a memorable Mother's Day for me!!!!

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