Saturday, May 2, 2009

Look Out Pre-K, Tucker is on his way!

We registered Tucker for pre-k yesterday morning at my school. We are very confident in this decision and feel it is the best thing for him. We expect him to have a rough start. He will not want to leave his "Doo". Of course I do not blame him, I mean who would want to give up McDonald's breakfast for cereal . Yes, my mom has brought him McDonald's pancakes and biscuit and gravy EVERY morning for the past 2 years. Before that it was homemade. Tucker has had a seperation issue since I was hospitalized while pregnant with Rylee so I know this transition is not going to be a breeze. Like I said before we both want him to go to pre-k and expect it to take some time for him to adjust.
Mom on the other hand is excited about him going but sad that he will be leaving her for most of the day. She has kept him since he was 3 months old so this will also be a hard transition for her also. She will be picking him up at school at 1:30 each day(I bet she will be the one that gets there an hour early waiting on him. LOL) However, she is looking forward to some one-on-one time with Rylee Kate.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

WOW! Tucker is growing up so fast.